WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Policy 14 Mineral and Soil/Earth Resources – RED COPY Revised Wording Suggested at LPI 26.05.09 a) Soil and Peat RED COPY END Development RED COPY should RED COPY END avoid unnecessary disturbance of soils, RED COPY peat and vegetation, RED COPY END and will adopt best practice for the movement, storage, management and reinstatement RED COPY of the same.RED COPY END Proposals for new areas of commercial mechanised peat extraction will not be permitted. RED COPY b) Minerals There will be a presumption against RED COPY END proposals for new mineral extraction, processing [ DELETE or recycling developments, ] or extensions to existing mineral developments RED COPY unless: RED COPY END i) the developer can demonstrate the market within the Cairngorms National Park where the extracted or processed material will be used or provide other social or economic benefits; and no suitable and reasonable alternatives to the material are available; or [ DELETE ii) the material furthers conservation or restoration of the distinctive landscape character and built environment of the Park as set out in the National Park Plan; and no suitable and reasonable alternatives to the material are available . ] Developers will incorporate measures to minimise potential effects on the environment and communities and ensure appropriate restoration, aftercare and after use. Bonds will be used where appropriate and secured by a Section 75 Agreement. Development likely to prevent the future viable extraction of a workable mineral reserve will only be permitted where: iv) There is no alternative site for the development; and v) The value of the development to the delivery of the aims of the Park is considered to outweigh the value of the mineral resource; and vi) The opportunity has been provided for the extraction of the mineral resource before the development commences.